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Welcome to the Computer Algebra and Particle Physics school - CAPP 2023!

Applications of computer algebra are an essential and established calculational tool in elementary particle physics and methods and algorithms of computer algebra are an important area of research itself. The CAPP school combines theory and practice in an advanced environment. It provides education and training of about 40 students and young researchers at graduate and Ph.D. level on central topics at the interface of modern computer algebra and particle physics. The courses include exercises and practical hands-on training with modern software.

For more information regarding the event follow the link.

This website is designed to help you start using FORM - a widely used Symbolic Manipulation System in the theoretical particle physics. Here you have the ability to run your code online without the installation of any software, solve the exercises and get an instant assessment.

If you don't have a group ID, contact the organizers.
What is this project about?

The website provides an online compiler and editor for FORM. The participants of the CAPP school have the ability familiarize themselves with the core features of FORM without going trough the burden of installation any software.

What are the technical requirements to use this service?

The only technical requirement is to have a stable internet access and a browser with enabled JavaScript. All major browsers are supported, except Safari.

Is there any difference between the online implementation of FORM and the vanilla FORM?

The current version of FORM on this server is v4.2.1. Because of the safety reasons, couple commands had to be disabled/modified. This should not pose any problems for the educational usage of the service, which is the primary aim of the project.

Why should I use this online version of FORM instead of installing it on my system?

In general you should not. The website is designed to help new users get started with FORM. It is not intended to be used for memory/CPU-intensive calculations. With that being said, if you are in the environment without any access to the FORM installation and you feel the need to write some FORM code, this site might come in handy.

What is the privacy policy of this service? Can others see my code?

Only people with your session ID have the ability to see the code using the frontend. For obvious reasons the code is saved on the server without any encryption and hence it is visible for the people managing the server. The IP adresses and connection times of visitors are also logged. No other personal identification information is extracted or stored anywhere.

I would like to use this online FORM compiler in my project, do you provide an API?

We provide a comprehensive RESTFul API at the endpoint: https://capp.uni-hamburg.de/api

The usage instructions will follow... Meanwhile feel free to contact the author.

I would like to build a project like this (or host this service) myself, can I see the source code?

Yes, more information will follow soon...